Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turn Off the Fan Tag Line

I humbly throw out the first suggestion for our blog tag line: Developing clear web voices despite the white noise

Perhaps a little wordy, but I tried to play off the blog title while communicating a purpose.

Vote yes in the comments or suggest an alternate. Maybe we can pick one in tomorrow's class.


The Grammarian said...

I'm a fan! HAHA. Forgive a pun.

Anke said...

I like it.

Here's my suggestion:
Web editing minds working under the harsh conditions of a Fan

Iseut said...

We blow enough hot air. Did someone already say that?

Bridget said...

Playing off of what has already been said:

"Be heard on the Web."

Carefree Mel said...

Maybe "Learning to be heard on the Web"?

Or something like:
"Improving the class at a time."

Charles said...
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Charles said...

I like all of them. Mel's second suggestion was quite nice.

I was about to say, "The Web Hum Without the Ad Hom", but maybe it's a bit nuanced.

stan said...

I go for Mel's suggestion of "Learning to be heard on the Web". It's really simple and clear without trying too hard for the pun.

`*~ said...

I like both of Mel's suggestions. Both are simple and to the point. I guess the only thing to decide is: are we really trying to improve the web, or be heard on it? I guess both, but I think we're trying more to be heard on it rather than actively improving it right now.

Let's make a decision and post up the tagline soon! :)
