Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Humor in Redesign

In case you do not obsessively read Dooce.com as I do, I will excerpt a few thoughts of Dooce's on the site's recent redesign.

On feedback from users

"...there was this one email that was very passionate in its hatred of this change, and she was all DIE! DIE! DIE! and then there at the bottom was her signature followed by a quote from Jesus."

On using a different content management system

"The amount and quality of work that they did was indispensable, cannot recommend them enough, and mostly I just want to thank them for all the support they gave Jon because without them he would have gone completely bald."

On the adrenaline of launching the redesign

"He briefly got up from this desk to kiss me goodbye when I noticed two giant sweat stains underneath his arms, and I was all, are you running on a treadmill while coding my website? Isn't that complicated? And he's all, yes I'm running on a treadmill, WITH MY BRAIN."

On opening up the floodgates of comments

"Soon we'll find out because I'm going to open up comments on this post to get your feedback, and I just totally winced writing that. Please be gentle for I am a delicate flower."

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