Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Further explanation of Boing Boing

Hello classmates, I came across this review of Boing Boing TV on What the heck is Boing Boing TV?

The reviewer reports the blog authors are still trying to find their voices in the video segments. Of possible interest to the class, the first few sentences of the article give a thorough explanation of all that Boing Boing has to offer...
Boing Boing, the world's "most favorited" blog, according to Technorati's vastly hideous phrase, is a hybrid of tech-culture newsletter and DIY lifestyle magazine. Its posts speak of copyright skirmishes and art-prankster attacks, of retro-kitsch bric-a-brac and futuristic gizmos, of comic books and academic journals. While an ideal Boing Boing post would concern an academic journal article about retro-futurist comic books, the site offers a little bit of everything for the cosmopolitan geek.

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