Tuesday, January 15, 2008

For my final project for this class I created a website.

Stalking Jorge and Other Adventures
Essays by Deborah Chaisson.

Its been so long since I have done anything in html I can barely remember how to make text bold. To create the site I used googlepages and it was amazingly fast and easy.

To find google pages I just googled "google website creator" or something to that effect. I found the page, registered for an account, and since I am apparently the one last person on the planet that did not have a gmail account it created one for me, so be careful what you use for a login name because that becomes your gmail address.

Google hosts your website for you so no figuring out how to get a domain name or where to park the site, its all right there.

The page creator was ridiculously easy to use once you have all your text written and have decided how to lay the site out. It probably took me less than an hour to get the content up. You simply copy and paste the text in and then insert photos and links by clicking buttons named "insert link" or "insert image." Once I got it up I had to fine tune things, the text and line spacing got a little weird in places. To fix it I would simply cut the text that had the wrong format and paste it into a paragraph that had the right formatting and the text would pick up the right formatting and then I could just hit enter to move it down into its own paragraph and retain the formatting.

I had several online friends test drive it in different browsers and operating systems and after a little tweaking it looked good on any browser on any platform.

One especially cool feature that googlepages added without me even asking for it, is if you click on any picture on the site it opens the picture in its own window, full size. This was something I had wanted to do because my site is pretty photo heavy and I really wanted to showcase them, so google did it for me without me even having to figure out how to do it myself.

A+++++++ Would create website with this software again.

My website is


I would love to see sites and blogs other people have created for the class.

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