Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Blog Wars!

Ooooh! Looks like our friend Jane Roper over at is dueling online with Steve Almond over their kids, their blogs, and their pencils...Could get worse before it gets better....


Carefree Mel said...

haha, this is really funny! I can't help to think that they planned this kind of thing during their playdate. I mean, Jane must have really despised them to make a public mockery....

stan said...

Turns out it was a joke. Honestly, I don't think either of their posts were well-written enough to make the satire obvious. I only got a whiff of it at the end of Jane's post when she goes into autographed photos.

The Grammarian said...

I'm with you, Ms. Tan. I felt duped!

Jane said...

Hey guys -- I get Google Alerts on my blog, and this post just came up. Thanks for checking out my blog, and the recent tempest in a teacup there.

It really was fascinating to see the reactions to Steve's and my little joke. It was certainly a wake-up call for me on the degree of cruelty and pettiness that apparently exists in the blogosphere. I thought our posts were so nasty and over-the-top that nobody could possibly think they would be genuine. Would anyone really be THAT mean and snarky in such a public forum to someone else -- and insult their kids, to boot? Apparently the answer is yes!

As we both mentioned in our follow-up posts, it wasn't our intent to trick anyone. Maybe make them wonder a little at first, but certainly come to the conclusion that we were kidding around.

It was a good lesson in just how differently different people read and interpret things.

Take heed!