Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Outreach Center

I’ve been working on a freelance project for the last 3 or 4 weeks, and the site finally went live over the weekend. I was trying to think of a way to post this in a way that’s relevant to this blog, but was coming up short, especially on the writing front. I mostly did the HTML and CSS coding, with only a little input on the design and no influence whatsoever on the content. There are definitely things that still need work, but the launch date we were held to was 12/1, and we felt it was "good enough" to hold its own as is. You can find the old design, which looked like it was from 1998 (but believe it or not, is actually just from 2006), on archive.org.

Katherine fortuitously gave me an in during lecture today—all of the very large, colorful background photos are from iStockphoto.com!

So here it is, the redesigned site for the Outreach Center.

(I’m not going to say what they do. You tell me: how well does the tagline work?)


esouza said...

Congratulations on a job well done. I think the tagline works nicely, and it gives me a sense of what the site is all about. The overall look of the site is great, but I think parts are a little text-heavy (which I understand you had no control over). Just having finished a site design myself, I completely understand how much effort goes into every tiny detail, so congrats again on getting it done!

Bridget said...

I think this is nice. How long have you been building sites?

I don't know what you do and don't have a say in, but here are a couple notes to bring back to the table, if you want (it's like free usability testing, right?):

-- The static list of states in the left column is pretty long, especially since a lot of pages only go to the end of the blue nav bar. Did you consider a drop down menu? Or (this is just me thinking out loud, so to speak) it would be cool to have a graphic bug (that's static in the left column) with, say, a graphic of the US that says "Find your state" and goes to that state page...

-- Your breadcrumbs only go to the second level on the third level pages. You should probably have the title of the page that you're on, too, but not linked.

-- I think the links to the organizations OC supports should be external

-- The "We Support" bug takes a long time to load and only the phrase links, not the image. I would expect the whole thing to link

-- The images are really, really nice. And they don't take long to load--at leasy on my computer. iStockphoto rocks.

Overall, I like the site; it's such a pleasant departure from the old site! It seems like a really great organization, and that comes through in the site--which is probably most important.


Iseut said...

It's great that, within a few seconds of being on the site, I know exactly where I am and exactly what it does. It's also really clear where to go to donate and how to get more information. I love how uncluttered it is.
And you can't lose with the cute kid.