Thursday, December 6, 2007

Only 15 Days til Summer Solstice

That's right: Summer Solstice.
Hear me out. The days start lengthening again in December and it's not the cold, it's the dark, that turns Boston indoors, inward, and inimical to just about anything fun that involves stepping outside. Okay, so it is in part the cold but really much more the lack of sunlight on my pineal gland turning me into a troglodyte. The Solstice namers got it backwards: light re-flooding the world is a summery thing. Summer Solstice begins on December 21 when the balance of light in the day begins again to exceed darkness and that sorry day when dark begins to out shadow light, June 21, portends the winter and should be named accordingly. Maybe they weren't from this area?
The bright spot at this time of December is that seed catalogues begin arriving in my mailbox and I can start plotting what type of garlic I'll grow this year and how many different kinds of sunflowers. Invariably, I grow no garlic (though maybe this will be the year) and few sunflowers but I can plot. And dream - not only of more light, but of warmth from a breeze that is not my Glenwood gas stove.
Gayla Trail provides ample compost for this plotting. Great ideas, consistency, and above all a strong voice with solid writing make it clear why she has a big audience and lots of advertisers.
Aside from gardening my other interests run to nothing in particular. Lovely writing and beautiful images about everything and nothing.
I offer these as examples of writing worth reading.

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