Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pritesh Dagur and the Fine Art of Social Networking

Here lies an Indian Rangoli, the impermanent sprinkling of pigmented dust, of various sources. Pritesh Dagur, the artist, is also a Chemist in Materials Sciences at The Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. She has written a new entry for the rangoli section of Wikipedia, which you may find at

Pritesh and her associates at Wikipedia describe the Rangoli-making process and its cultural context far better than I. She has been spreading samples her joyful art and knowledge through Internet social networks and community websites for a few years. When I participated in her friends network, she amazed me, always quickly answering most of my rangoli questions thoughtfully, articulately and thoroughly. One might assume that she has developed a steady cast of followers this way.

To view this and other priceless works by Pritesh, please visit her Rangoli site and enjoy the back catalog of her beautiful work:

1 comment:

Charles said...

A note to Kendra: Thanks for the helpful reader's question you asked. I believe Pritesh has made cards in the past and, from what I remember, they mirror her Rangoli aesthetic somewhat. I will ask her about this.